V Volleyball
District Week - TBD
End of year party in Lyceum 5:30-7;00
India Feast (Grade 7)
Details TBA
Athletic Booster Meeting
Location: Lyceum
HS Girls Basketball Tryouts Begin
MS Boys Basketball
@ Fruitport Calvary Green team at 5:00, Black team at 6:00
This event will be held in the large ensemble room. Please use the 20th Street entrance.
Fall Awards Banquet
Location: Gym 7:00pm
Details TBD
MS Boys Basketball
Home, Green vs Zion at 4:30, Black vs Algoma at 5:30
Middle School Dance
The dance will be held in the main lobby of the middle/high school building. The cost is $5.00. The dress is casual.
Veterans Day
Middle School Parent Organization Meeting
Location: Small Ensemble Room
HS Boys Basketball Tryouts Begin
MS Boys Basketball
@ Holland Calvary Green at 4:00, Black at 5:00
MS Boys Basketball
Home vs WMC, Green at 5:30, Black at 6:30
MS Boys Basketball
Home vs Potters House, Green at 5:30, Black at 6:30
Fall Play: The Lion, The Witch and The Wardrobe
Hudsonville Eagle Auditorium
Fall Play: The Lion, The Witch and The Wardrobe
Hudsonville Eagle Auditorium
MS Boys Basketball
Home vs Tri Unity, Green at 4:30, Black at 5:30
School Dismissed at 1:26pm (Grades K-12)
Teacher In-service
No School (Grades K-12)
Thanksgiving Break
Lyceum use
Reserved 5:00-6:30 - Kyle Lawton
No School (Grades K-12)
Thanksgiving Break
Thanksgiving Day
No School (Grades K-12)
Thanksgiving Break
Spain Trip Project Term 2018 Meeting
There will be an informational parent meeting on November 28 at 6pm in Room 408 and also on November 30 at 6pm. Parents just need to attend 1 of the meetings. The early bird sign up for $200 off the trip is Nov. 30. Here the website for more information: www.explorica.com/Gaffney-7980 or parents can contact Senora Gaffney at gaffneys@brpsk12.org.
MS Boys Basketball
Home vs Zion, Green at 4:00 in Aux, Black at 4:00 in main
Home vs Fennville, JV at 5:30, V at 7;00
Spain Trip Project Term 2018 Meeting
There will be an informational parent meeting on November 30 at 6pm in Room 408. Parents, please note -- You only need to attend one meeting. If you already attended the November 28 meeting, you do not need to attend this meeting. The early bird sign up for $200 off the trip is Nov. 30. Here the website for more information: www.explorica.com/Gaffney-7980 or parents can contact Senora Gaffney at gaffneys@brpsk12.org.